Monthly Archives: September 2024

The Copper Project

The Copper Project is a new series of work created for my SALA Festival exhibition, 2024 (South Australian Living Artist festival). Introducing a number of fresh works on copper that have been developed over the last year. Further evolving the distinctive expressive style of Membrane Art®see Artist Statement.

I worked on these copper pieces as three-dimensional objects. However, instead of thinking about how solid and space interact as a sculptor would, my intention is to go back to the “flat two dimensional picture plane.” Why?

Because of this, formulations are produced that require the addition of a curve in order to be considered plausible. Finally, when it is viewed on a two-dimensional flattened image plane (the switch from three- to two-dimensionality), a unique aesthetic emerges that appears to be more in keeping with how humans perceive the natural world: although we can only perceive in two dimensions, we are aware of and experience a world beyond our own.

The copper art showing the copper sulphate (blue) and sulphide (gray) chemical reactions
Quantum Legs, oxidised copper sheet: Just one of the eleven copper art pieces on display at Malcolm Koch’s exhibition.
Exhibition showcasing 8 finished pieces of copper art. All hanging side by side in portrait and with two hanging on top of each other in landscape, on the white studio wall.
Work on display: The SALA Festival exhibition by Malcolm Koch showcases a wall of copper art pieces.
Exhibition showcasing 4 finished pieces of copper art. Two hanging in portrait and with two hanging on top of each other in landscape, on the white studio wall.
Malcolm Koch’s copper artworks: These four copper pieces serve as the centrepiece of the exhibition. Not a brushstroke is in sight. Instead, drill holes, saw cuts, and oxidised events are used directly to the surface in a curved environment. This makes it feasible to create distinctive markings that would not be possible on a flat surface.
Exhibition opening showing tree people looking at the art on display
Guests at the opening. Looking on at one of the oil paintings that is also on display: MA#5, oil on Belgian Linen.

The Copper Project exhibition

Malcolm Koch’s studio and gallery
44 Nelson Street (back entrance via steps)
Stepney, South Australia
Monday–Friday, 10am–5pm
Note; this is a working gallery. So, art will remain and evolve on display throughout the year.

About Malcolm’s Art

Malcolm Koch’s curved ‘canvases’ are worked on as three dimensional objects. However, rather than considering the interplay between solid and space as a sculptor does, his forethought is to return to the ‘flat two dimensional picture plane’.

Working in this way creates expressions that is only possible through the advent of a curve. So when finally, we do observe it on a two dimensional flattened picture plane (the switch from 5D to 2D), a different aesthetic emerges.

About Membrane Art and Malcolm Koch's CV

Download CV 2024 (10MB file)

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